Wednesday, 30 April 2014


     I’ve finally run out of excuses to delay the writing of this blog entry any longer. The time has come to explain binary or die trying. Before I begin I’d just like to state that I don’t actually fully understand the stuff myself; I can explain what it is pretty well but that’s about as far as my knowledge extends to. Furthermore, the reason I’m explaining binary is because it really ties into digital audio which I will discuss in a future blog.

                                                                   I can delay no more, here goes nothing!

      In case my title wasn’t explicit enough, binary is comprised of ones and zeroes. The only difference between the standard way of counting and the binaric version (yes I just made up a word) is the numerical amount it takes to “fill up” a “slot”. What I mean is for normal counting, the first “slot” is filled once the number nine is reached. The nine is then replace by a zero and the following “slot” is replaced by a one. We continue doing so until we reach the number ninety-nine. The third “slot” will then come in play as we replace the two nines with zeroes and the third slot gains a one. This continues infinitely. Still following me? When it comes to binary things change a little. Instead of having to reach nine or ninety-nine or nine-hundred and ninety-nine before adding another “slot”, the number that needs to be reached is one. That’s right, one. Once we surpass that number the one turns into a zero and we open a new “slot” by adding a one. When we continue counting we keep adding ones starting with the right “slot” and moving towards the left. A zero becomes a one and vice-versa. It’s a lot easier to understand with a visual representation. The first column will be regular numbers followed by their irregular binary counterparts.

0=0       Understandable.
1=1          Easy.
2=10       Hein?
Pardon the watermark
3=11        Why?
4=100     Pourquoi?
5=101      Come again?
6=110      wut.
7=111        k.
8=1000   oh

So on and so forth.

     These numbers keep climbing in that same manner. You may be wondering what the use of binary is. Essentially it’s the language of computers. Everything that has to do with technology nowadays is comprised of those ones and zeroes. Images, text documents, webpages, audios, everything. Instead of being something tangible and material like the grooves of a record or the frames on a video-cassette, most of what we care about today is represented by those two digits. That is why I felt the need to explain binary. It makes explaining digital audio a lot easier and may also come up in my seminar. I hope what I’ve said makes sense. If it doesn’t just let me know and I’ll try harder.

(In the event of a mistake, please inform me)

1 comment:

  1. I think i recall doing a binary project in grade school (science project) and I thought it was pretty fun to work with enven though I just scratch the surface of this information about binary code it was fun. Just the sight of this blog's title brought back good old memories. Well, enough of that. I though that this blog post was pretty interesting and I really loved the count from 0-8 and how you gave thee binary code for each number and your little comment next to it.It made me laugh a bit!
