Wednesday 19 March 2014

It’s been around longer than you would expect

      Before I jump into this blog entry I’d like to inform you guys that I will avoid using dates and boring info. If you’d like to read something containing those things I suggest searching the Web. What I will include, though, are my opinions; that is primarily what you will be reading.

       Let us now begin. Before I even start writing about recording devices I would like to discuss music and its influence before it could be captured. I never really thought of the fact that it’s only until recently that music could be played back at will. iPods haven't always been found in everyone’s pocket. Music, however, could be found in pockets. It appeared in the shape of flutes carved out of bone. These flutes can be dated to as early as 38,000 B.C.

A 32,000 year-old bone flute from Dordogne, France. 
       So we've established that music has been around for a very long time. Music recordings, though, have only been around for just over 150 years. An audio recording device that could also play back sound appeared about 20 years later. It’s clear that for a very long time the only available music was live. Some may consider this to be a plus because it would force anyone who enjoys music to attend concerts or play it themselves, but I would rather have my iPod. The convenience is irresistible.

Mozart, a total stud
      Once the primitive audio recording and playback methods were perfected, music became a lot more accessible for everyone. Many people could not afford a phonograph or many records but that soon changed. Mass production brought the price down considerably allowing families to fill their houses with hits by Al Jolson or Ben Selvin.

     Despite the fact that many great artists lived long before their works could ever be recorded, I believe the music industry did not take-off until music could be properly recorded, distributed and played. I will be discussing the earliest of these methods and devices in my next blog post. Stay tuned.

(In the event of a mistake, please inform me)

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